Althaea Officinalis
Other Names
Marshmallow, Marsh Mallow, Common Marshmallow, Mortification Root, Sweet Weed, Wymote
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Wiccan information and resources
These posts contain detailed information for each herb, including associations with elements, deities, Sabbats and more, different names for the plant, a description of its physical characteristics, a general overview of it and lengthy descriptions of its magical and medicinal properties as well as any lore and legend surrounding it.
Althaea Officinalis
Marshmallow, Marsh Mallow, Common Marshmallow, Mortification Root, Sweet Weed, Wymote
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Aloe Vera
Common Aloe, Medicinal Aloe, Burn Plant,
Aloe Arborescens, Aloe Aristata, Aloe Variegata (Tiger Aloe)
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Prunus Dulcis
Greek Nut
Deity: Attis, Thoth, Mercury, Hermes
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Pimenta Dioica
Eddo, Basheen, Madere, Jamaican Pepper, Kurundu, Myrtle Pepper, Pimenta, Newspice
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
Medicago Saliva
Buffalo Herb, Lucerne, Purple Medic
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Gender: Feminine
Alnus Glutinosa
Black Alder, Common Alder, European Alder, Aller, Whistle-Wood, Irish/Scottish Mahogany, Fearn (Gaelic), King of the Waters
Also common are Grey Alder (Alnus Incana), Red Alder (Alnus Rubra) and Green Alder (Alnus Viridis) amongst other species in the genus Alnus.
Deity: Bran
Planet: Venus
Element: Fire, Water
Gender: Masculine
Sabbat: Ostara
Animal: Raven
Agrimonia Eupatoria
Church Steeples, Cocklebur, Stickwort, Garclive, Mur-druidhean
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Saintpaulia Ionantha
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Sabbat: Ostara
Aplectrum Hyemale
Putty Root
Deity: God and Goddess
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gender: Masculine and Feminine
Fruit of the oak tree, oak nut
Deity: The Green Man
Element: Earth
Gender: Masculine