Elementals are the beings that are associated with, and said to inhabit the four different elements; earth, air, fire and water. Each different element has a different elemental, which is a form of energy, usually invisible to the human eye. If you are working magic associated with a particular element, you can ask for help from that elemental spirit.
Continue reading “Elementals”Category: Elements
There are four physical elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and a fifth that transcends the physical plane; Spirit or Akasha. The posts in this section offer information on each of the five elements and on magic relating to them.
Spirit Element

To use the invoking or banishing pentagram, begin tracing it out at the end of the arrow, and head in the direction the arrow is pointing.
The element of spirit transcends gender, and is associated with the centre of all directions, and the colours ultraviolet and white. Spirit is multidimensional; an essence which transcends earth, air, fire and water, yet remains immanent. The element of spirit is highly mutable, malleable, and mobile, it is transformative, balanced and enduring, and it is both compressible and expandable.
Continue reading “Spirit Element”Water Element

To use the invoking or banishing pentagram, begin tracing it out at the end of the arrow, and head in the direction the arrow is pointing.
The element of water is associated with femininity, the direction west, and the colours silver, blue and purple. This element is heavy, smooth, clear and flowing. Water is reflective, receptive and absorptive, malleable, mutable and a mediator. It is non-compressible or expandable, and an insulator, and it carries fire, air and earth.
Continue reading “Water Element”Fire Element

To use the invoking or banishing pentagram, begin tracing it out at the end of the arrow, and head in the direction the arrow is pointing.
The element of fire is associated with masculinity, the direction south, and the colours red, orange and yellow. Fire is forceful, an animator, and penetrating. This element is non-mutable, compressible and expandable, weightless and storable. It evaporates water and is carried by air.
Continue reading “Fire Element”Air Element

To use the invoking or banishing pentagram, begin tracing it out at the end of the arrow, and head in the direction the arrow is pointing.
The element of air is associated with masculinity, the direction east, and the colours white, blue and yellow – as well as transparency and translucency. The element of air is movable, mutable and malleable, it is reflective, and both insulates and penetrates. Air is transparent, light, compressible and expandable, and is a mediator. This element reacts to energy and carries fire.
Continue reading “Air Element”Earth Element

To use the invoking or banishing pentagram, begin tracing it out at the end of the arrow, and head in the direction the arrow is pointing.
The element of earth is associated with femininity, the direction north, and the colours green, gold and brown. It is massive, solid, stable and enduring. Earth is non-mutable, non-compressible and non-expandable, it is an insulator, and resists motion. This element is receptive to water, and it renews and nourishes.
Continue reading “Earth Element”