Misc. Reference

Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft

Raven Grimassi
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Grimassi does a good job with this encyclopedia, bearing in mind that most of the entries in it are written by him, and so naturally some are not as complete as others. This book provides a number of biographies of well known Pagan personalities, although there are a few glaring omissions – noticably authors who are not published by Llewellyn. Nonetheless this book is informative and readable, and worth a look at.

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American Indian Myths and Legends

Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz
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This is a well-structured book of entertaining and thought-provoking tales from the many different native cultures in North America. The stories are grouped into ten different sections based on theme, with an overview introducing each one, and are presented in an ‘oral history’ style, recorded as they would have been spoken. Erdoes and Ortiz also provide an extensive bibliography, with sources for each story.

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Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews, The

Scott Cunningham
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This is a great book for anyone interested in practical activities, with a whole range of things to create, from oils and ointments to inks and powders. Cunningham provides recipes for incense and teas, as well as showing you how to create your own recipe and including a good section on herbal substitutions. A generally useful and easy-to-navigate book.

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A History of Pagan Europe

Prudence Jones & Nigel Pennick
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This book gives a very nice overview of Pagan cultures throughout Europe, and despite its broad subject matter it manages to provide the reader with a good amount of detail on each topic. The authors have managed to keep their writing interesting and enjoyable to read whilst presenting a balanced and well-researched account of these old European Pagan cultures. This book would do well on your bookshelf as a guide to ancient Paganism with less bias and fewer inaccuracies than you will find in many other works.

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Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine

Thomas Bartram
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This is the most comprehensive book on herbs you are likely to find. That, however, is not to say that it will be the most useful. If you dislike small print, and dry information, you may want to find a different book. Nonetheless, Bartram provides detailed information for hundreds of herbs, including different names, the effect it has on the human body, different problems it can be used to treat, and how to prepare the treatment. Further than this, Bertram includes common ailments and illnesses and gives recommendations for herbal remedies.

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Crystal Bible, The

Judy Hall
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This is a handy quick reference for anyone interested in working with gemstones. The pictures of stones included are really helpful for practical use of the stones, although for information, better books can be found. Hall’s book is a good addition to your bookshelf nonetheless due to the number of stones mentioned and the basic information given for each.

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Pagan Shops

Moons n Brooms
[USA, does not accept international orders]
Filled with all things metaphysical, magical and mystical. With products that are hand crafted by local artisans including their own staff.

Divination Supplies
[USA, accepts international orders]
Shop for witchcraft supplies, witch balls, wiccan sabbat baskets, scrying mirrors, wicca supplies, wishing bowls and divination tools for foretelling the future.

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All Around the Zodiac

Bill Tierney
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This is a wonderful book for those who want to learn more about astrology than is covered in general books on Paganism or Wicca. Tierney explains the qualities of each sign in some detail, before continuing to examine the interactions between different signs in a chart and the influence of planets in signs. There’s plenty of detail in it, but it remains an enjoyable and interesting read instead of sounding dry and formal.

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Invoke the Gods

Kala Trobe
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This book provides detailed information about 15 Gods, from the Ancient Egyptian and Greek religions, and from Hinduism. Trobe explains the mythology surrounding each archetype, as well as giving visualisations and information on ways to commune with the Gods and relevant Tarot card descriptions. This book may be of particular value to anyone looking for more information on the Gods to balance out the abundance of information available on Goddesses.

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Your Neighbour Might Be A Witch If…

Fifty sure-fire ways to detect Paganism without having to resort to a dunking stool or wart-inspection.

1) Never puts any rubbish out on refuse-collection day. I mean, re-cycling and composting is fine, but you can take it too far.

2) You casually ask what phase the moon is in, and she tells you down to the exact number of days, hour and minute of rising, position on horizon, and current angle of declination.

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