The 56 Tarot cards of the Minor Arcana are comparable to those in a deck of standard playing cards. There are four suits – wands, cups, swords and coins / pentacles, and the cards range in value from an ace to a king in each suit. One difference is the court cards of the tarot consist of a page, as well as a knight, queen and king. Each card has its own individual meaning, but this can be changed when it is considered in combination with the other cards present in the reading.
For full information on the Minor Arcana cards check out this complete guide for beginners.
Suit | Life Experience | Zodiac Sign | Element | Gender |
Wands | Career | Leo, Aries, Sagittarius | Fire | Masculine |
Cups | Emotions | Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio | Water | Feminine |
Swords | Intellectual activity | Gemini, Libra, Aquarius | Air | Masculine |
Coins | Marital Aspects | Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo | Earth | Feminine |
Combinations of Minor Arcana Cards
Card | Multiple | Meaning |
King | 4 3 2 | Important Meetings High status Business Opportunities |
Queen | 4 3 2 | Arguments Influential Women Slander and Maliciousness |
Knight | 4 3 2 | Swiftness, a dominant clique Unexpected meetings Friends from the past |
Page | 4 3 2 | New plans or ideas Groups of young people Fun and Enjoyment |
10 | 4 3 | Responsibility and anxiety Commercial transactions |
9 | 4 3 | Extra responsibilities Correspondence |
8 | 4 3 | Lots of news simultaneously Extensive traveling |
7 | 4 3 | Disappointments Contacts and alliances |
6 | 4 3 | Pleasure and contentment Achievements and success |
5 | 4 3 | Order and consistency Disputes and quarrels |
4 | 4 3 | Peace and quiet Much effort |
3 | 4 3 | Decision and resolution Deceit |
2 | 4 3 | Conversations and conferences Reorganization |
1 | 4 3 2 | Powerful forces at work Success and wealth New workplace or home |
Polarity of Suits
Cups are opposed to Wands
Coins are opposed to Swords
When a card is enclosed by those of an opposing suit its effect is lessened, when it is surrounded by cards of the same suit, the effect is strengthened. When it is flanked by cards that are neither the same suit, nor an opposing suit its meaning is generally supported, but not as greatly as it would be should the cards have been of the same suit.



Coins / Pentacles