A person’s zodiac sign (or star sign, or sun sign) is determined by the position of the sun when they were born. During the year the sun will move through each of the twelve zodiac signs, and the approximate dates for it entering and leaving each sign are given below. Also each of the four elements is related to three of the signs, and a person may exhibit traits associated with the element their zodiac sign relates to. Finally each of the signs is either cardinal – characterised by new enterprises and fresh beginnings, mutable – characterised by adaptability and change, or fixed – characterised by stability and dependability.
Cardinal | Fixed | Mutable | |
Earth | Capricorn
| Taurus
| Virgo
Air | Libra
| Aquarius
| Gemini
Fire | Aries
| Leo
| Sagittarius
Water | Cancer
| Scorpio
| Pisces