The Tarot cards in the Major Arcana can be seen as more important than their counterparts in the Minor Arcana as they tend to relate to life changing events, or themes of deeper significance. Each card in the Major Arcana has a number, and a traditional name in both English and French. The cards can also be associated with an astrological ruler; this either an element, planet or zodiac sign. Finally, given that the cards have a history in Hindu religious customs it is perhaps unsurprising that the modern day cards have a link with Qabalah, a Hindu philosophical question. For each card I have given the Hebrew letter it relates to, as well as the path number which places it on one of the branches of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Click the image above to see a larger version of the Tree of Life, or click any of the cards below for a very large version of it.

0: The Fool – Le Mat
Astrological Ruler: Element: Air
Path Number: 11
Hebrew Letter: Aleph
Dignified: Fresh beginnings, optimism, important decisions
Ill-dignified: Lack of commitment, immaturity, recklessness

1: The Magician – Le Bateleur
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Mercury
Path Number: 12
Hebrew Letter: Beth
Dignified: Good communications, confidence, practical skill
Ill-dignified: Dishonesty, hesitancy, lack of confidence

2: The High Priestess – La Papesse
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Moon
Path Number: 13
Hebrew Letter: Gimel
Dignified: Inner wisdom, foresight, understanding
Ill-dignified: Lack of foresight, potential denied

3: The Empress – L’ImpĂ©ratrice
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Venus
Path Number: 14
Hebrew Letter: Daleth
Dignified: Well being, creative abundance, fulfillment
Ill-dignified: Insecurity, domestic disturbances

4: The Emperor – L’Empereur
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Aries
Path Number: 15
Hebrew Letter: Heh
Dignified: Authority, male influence, rationality
Ill-dignified: Rebelliousness, immaturity

5: The Pope (or Hierophant) – Le Pape
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Taurus
Path Number: 16
Hebrew Letter: Vau
Dignified: Conformity, good counsel
Ill-dignified: Unconventionality, misleading advice

6: The Lovers – L’Amovreux
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Gemini
Path Number: 17
Hebrew Letter: Zain
Dignified: Relationships, conflicting choices
Ill-dignified: Ill-considered choices, frustration

7: The Chariot – Le Chariot
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Cancer
Path Number: 18
Hebrew Letter: Cheth
Dignified: Strength of character, effort leading to success
Ill-dignified: Unresolved difficulties, loss of control

8: Strength (sometimes appears as number 11) – La Force
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Libra
Path Number: 22
Hebrew Letter: Lamed
Dignified: Strength of will, confronting problems
Ill-dignified: Misdirection of energies, lack of self control

9: The Hermit – L’Hermite
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Virgo
Path Number: 20
Hebrew Letter: Yod
Dignified: Solitude, introspection
Ill-dignified: Isolation, obstinacy

10: The Wheel of Fortune – La Roue de Fortune
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Jupiter
Path Number: 21
Hebrew Letter: Kaph
Dignified: Cyclical change, good fortune
Ill-dignified: Unexpected difficulties

11: Justice (sometimes appears as number 8) – La Justice
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Leo
Path Number: 19
Hebrew Letter: Teth
Dignified: Justice, balance
Ill-dignified: Injustice, bias, adverse legal decisions

12: The Hanged Man – Le Pendu
Astrological Ruler: Element: Water
Path Number: 23
Hebrew Letter: Mem
Dignified: Transition, sacrifice leading to attainment
Ill-dignified: Personal stagnation, resistance to change

13: Death – Mort
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Scorpio
Path Number: 24
Hebrew Letter: Nun
Dignified: Dramatic change, new beginnings
Ill-dignified: Resistance to change, stagnation

14: Temperance – TempĂ©rance
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Sagittarius
Path Number: 25
Hebrew Letter: Samech
Dignified: Capability, harmony, self-assurance
Ill-Dignified: Discord, impatience

15: The Devil – Le Diable
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Capricorn
Path Number: 26
Hebrew Letter: Ayin
Dignified: Self-delusion, anger, bondage
Ill-Dignified: Regeneration, increased frustration

16: The Tower – La Maison Diev
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Mars
Path Number: 27
Hebrew Letter: Peh
Dignified: New life, unexpected events, drastic change
Ill-Dignified: Misfortune, long-term difficulties

17: The Star – L’Etoile
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Aquarius
Path Number: 28
Hebrew Letter: Tzaddi
Dignified: Renewal, serenity, hope
Ill-Dignified: Closed attitudes, happiness delayed

18: The Moon – La Lune
Astrological Ruler: Zodiac: Pisces
Path Number: 29
Hebrew Letter: Qoph
Dignified: Introspection, confusion, delusion
Ill-Dignified: Health problems, minor confusions

19: The Sun – Le Soleil
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Sun
Path Number: 30
Hebrew Letter: Resh
Dignified: Achievement, joy, success
Ill-Dignified: Eventual fulfillment

20: Judgement – Le Judgement
Astrological Ruler: Element: Fire
Path Number: 31
Hebrew Letter: Shin
Dignified: Achivement, change, decisions
Ill-Dignified: Underachievement, self-reproach

21: The World – Le Monde
Astrological Ruler: Planet: Saturn
Path Number: 32
Hebrew Letter: Tau
Dignified: Completion, enlightenment, satisfaction
Ill-Dignified: Delays, disappointment
For more information on interpreting the Major Arcana cards check out this complete guide for beginners. It includes illustrated meanings of all the major cards in normal orientation and reversed, and in different spreads, as well as information on the Minor Arcana suits.